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Professional Values of the Students

Professional Values of the Students
427 р
в корзину
  • Автор: Раскачкина Елена
  • Издательство: Нобель Пресс
  • Год издания: 2013
  • Обложка: мягкая обложка
  • Страниц: 71
  • Томов: 1
  • Вес: 215 г.
  • ISBN: 978-5-518-42612-2


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This monography is devoted to a problem of formation and development of professional values of students of technical college in the course of foreign-language preparation.
We have concretized the essence of the concept of professional values of students of technical college in the course of foreign-language preparation, besides we have concretized their structure; have developed criteria of level of their formation.
The algorithm of formation and development of professional values of students of technical college in the course of foreign language preparation has been developed; a set of pedagogical conditions of effective formation and development of professional values of students of technical college on the basis of the developed algorithm has been revealed.
The results and conclusions received during scientific work can be used by teachers of a foreign language of various establishments of the higher education which are carrying out preparation of future engineers.

Товар имеет необходимые сертификаты качества, безопасности и гигиены. К покупке прилагается гарантийное обязательство. Предоставляется накопительная система скидок, зависящая от объема совершенных ранее покупок. Быстрая доставка курьером или в пункт выдачи в срок от 1 дня. Точную информацию о сроках доставки и скидке вы сможете узнать во время оформления заказа. Приятных покупок.

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