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1322 р
в корзину
  • Автор: O. Henry
  • Издательство: Книга по Требованию
  • Год издания: 1923
  • Обложка: мягкая обложка
  • Страниц: 258
  • Томов: 1
  • Вес: 321 г.


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1923. William Sydney Porter (O. Henry) was the most popular short story writer of his time. His stories typically revolved around two of his favorite themes, the situation of the impostor and fate as the one unavoidable reality of life. Another device he used was the surprise ending, usually coming about through coincidence. He was the founder of the humorous weekly The Rolling Stone. When the weekly failed, he joined the Houston Post as a reporter and columnist. He was convicted of embezzling money, although there’s much debate over his actual guilt, and while in prison he started to write short stories. His first work, Whistling Dick's Christmas Stocking appeared in McClure's Magazine. After emerging from prison Porter changed his name to O. Henry. He then moved to New York and wrote a story a week for the New York World, also publishing in other magazines. Options is O. Henry's sixth short story collection. The stories typical Henry, are masterfully put together, but lack any unifying themes. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1923 года (издательство "[New York] Doubleday, Page & co. for Review of Reviews co."). Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться небольшие "огрехи": помарки, кляксы и т.п.

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